Introduction π
The goal is to separate a given differential equation of n-th order in n differential equations of first order. The following ODE for a single mass oscillator with damping d, external excitation F und spring stiffness c is given:
\[ m\ddot{y} + d\dot{y} + cy = F \]

Code π¨βπ»
ode45.m - Script
% MATLAB - Solving an ODE (Ordinary Differential Equation)
% November, 17th 2019
% Jousef Murad -
% MATLAB Version - R2019b
clc, clear, close all
%% Single-degree-of-freedom oscillator
% ==========
% Parameter Definition
% ==========
m = 1;
c = 1;
d = 100;
f = 0;
% ==========
% Initial and Boundary Conditions
% ==========
Time = 0:0.1:40; % 1x2 Matrix
IC = [0; 0.01]; % 2x1 Matrix
% ==========
% Solver Options
% ==========
SolverOptions = odeset('RelTol',1e-5,'AbsTol',1e-5);
% ODE45 Solver
[T,Y] = ode45(@StateSpaceForm,Time, IC, SolverOptions, m, d, c, f);
% ==========
% Plotting
% ==========
fig1 = figure(1);
title('System response');
% ==========
% Multiple Plots
% ==========
fig2 = figure(2);
for m = 1:1:10
[T,Y] = ode45(@StateSpaceForm,Time, IC, SolverOptions, m, d, c, f);
Matrix(m,:) = [m Y(:,1)'];
C = {'y','m','c','r','g','b',[1 0.4 0.6],'k',[.5 .6 .7],[.8 .2 .6]}; % Colors for plots
hold on
Plot1(m)= plot(T,Matrix(m,2:end),'LineWidth',2,'color',C{m});
lgd=num2str([1:1:10]','Mass = %d');
h = legend(Plot1,lgd);
title('System response','FontSize', 24);
xlabel('t[s]','FontSize', 20);
ylabel('x[m]','FontSize', 20);
State Space Form - Function
function [ xp ] = StateSpaceForm( t,x,m,c,d,f )
% State space form for single mass oscillator
xp=[x(2); (1/m)*(f-d*x(2)-c*x(1))];
The code for multiple plots and for solving the ODE can be found in my Github repo.
PDF Download ππ¨βπ»
Download the complete instruction to derive the state space representation and implementation to MATLAB belowπ
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